For organisations, teams & their leaders

"With an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach, we strengthen ,
from both the upper- and undercurrent,
the "human-force" in organizations and teams,
as safe havens for sustainable high performance and innovation."

The uppercurrent

What we do for your organisation

We advise and guide your organization in building a holistic well-being policy and climate with an appropriate, integrated approach at all levels : the individual and his/her job, the team and the organization.

We offer effective programs and trajectories tailored to individual employees as well as teams and team leaders, with a strong focus on burnout/boreout prevention as well as on strengthening resilience and connection and, of course, on performance excellence

Wellbeing is a leadership practice

Ready. Set. Flow! trajectories, tailor-made and/or in-company

First Aid For Mental Unwellness: training in early signal detection and skills to address each other when unwellness is suspected

Work Design (Job Crafting) : analyzing (SMART Work Design Scan) and - together with employee, leader and organisation - optimizing the job conditions to increase performance, engagement and wellbeing. 

Development of a reintegration plan and (Reboarding) session(s) with the team & stakeholders (company doctor, HR, ...) to facilitate reintegration

Psycho-education through keynote sessions and/or workshops

Coaching, Training & Facilitation (individual, teams & team leaders), focusing on Resilience, Connection (Emotional Intelligence), Change and Innovation

Strengthening Emotional Intelligence (EQi) of employees, teams and their leaders

Teamscan and development of resilient topteams, based on core talents, Emotional Intelligence & team climate

Collaboration in 'hybrid' and 'remote' teams and (cross-functional/-divisional) Teaming

The undercurrent

The EssenSea 4V Model

for Wellbeing, People-Centered Leadership & Innovation

In our integrative approach, we focus on four critical factors: Safety, Resilience, Connection and Renewal. These factors can be applied within an individual as well as within a team or organization and interact from the undercurrent.


Safety is not so much about the absence of stress or danger as it is about the way of how we deal with triggers and feelings of tension and fear and can stay connected -with ourselves and our environment- rather than fighting, fleeing or freezing. It is the degree of psychological safety we may experience within the team and organization to express ourselves, experiment, and also make mistakes.


is the degree of (self)confidence and allostatic adaptability to deal with difficult and changing situations. It requires mental and physical resilience to deal constructively with tension and to continue to perform despite resistance and/or setbacks.  


Within a team, the sense of belonging, the social interactions, the opportunities to rely on one or more colleagues, and the complementary ability to build on the diversity available contribute to strong cohesion and inclusion. And these are crucial factors for top performance, engagement and innovation.


from resilience and connection, we as individuals, as a team and as an organization, are able to continue to grow, transform and innovate.

Cupsy coffee ?

Contact us for a free consultation.

Over a cup of coffee (or tea), we'll explore together live/virtually what we can do for you, your team and/or your organization.